Consultation process with civil society in drafting the National Action Plan for Implementation of the Open Government Partnership Initiative for Montenegro for the 2018-2020 period (NAP) was conducted in accordance with the standards prescribed by the Partnership’s Secretariat in relation to the sharing of relevant information with stakeholders, creating space for dialogue and cooperation in drafting NAP and ensuring joint ownership of the document through joint decision-making on undertaking of previously harmonized obligations.
In accordance with the Decree on the Election of Representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations into working bodies of the state administration bodies and conducting a public consultation in drafting laws and strategies (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 41/2018), and based on the Public Call published by the Ministry of Public Administration, a public consultation on the Draft National Action Plan for a period of 20 days was conducted.
You can download the report on the public consultation here.
An overview of the Operational Team members’ proposal on commitments and activities for a two-year NAP you can view here.
On the eGovernment portal, a special online form PROPOSES FOR OPEN GOVERNMENT! has been created so that citizens can give their proposals and ideas on how to improve transparency in public administration and quality of public services.
Creating the portal enabled the timely information, consultation and involvement of the interested public in the process of drafting the NAP, through regular publication of news and related materials. Through the portal, direct communication with citizens and all stakeholders is made possible both at the stage of drafting NAP, as well as in the implementation, reporting and evaluation stage.
The Operational Team held three sessions to discuss, harmonize and monitor the NAP development process.