What is OGP?
Open Government Partnership brings together government reformers, civil society organizations and citizens to work together on establishing accountable, transparent government and the government at citizens’ service.
Transparency of the OGP initiative is overseen by a Steering Committee, which includes representatives of governments and civil society organizations.
To become a member of the OGP, participating countries must endorse a high-level Open Government Declaration, deliver a country action plan developed with public consultation, and commit to independent reporting on their progress going forward.
The Open Government Partnership initiative was formally launched on September 20, 2011, when the 8 founding governments (Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, the Philippines, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States) endorsed the Open Government Declaration and announced their country action plans. Since 2011, 79 OGP participating countries and 20 subnational governments have made over 3,100 commitments to make their governments more open and accountable.
OGP Structure
The Partnership’s Steering Committee has a role to develop, promote and protect values and principles of the Partnership. The Committee creates fundamental ideas, policy and rules of the Partnership, decides on membership in the organization, as well as on possible expulsions. The Committee has 22 members, equally represented, i.e. 11 representatives of member states and 11 from the civil society organizations.
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is a key means by which governments, civil society and private sector can track the Partnership’s Action Plans development and implementation biennially. As an independent and non-political body, the Mechanism is under the leadership of the Partnership’s Steering Committee, but the Mechanism is directly accountable to the International Expert Panel (IEP)
The International Experts Panel (IEP) plays a role in setting the objectives and vision for the Mechanism, and promotes reports and controls the highest quality of reports. The Panel members are renowned experts in transparency, accountability and citizens’ participation. The role of the Panel is to directly oversee the Independent Mechanism.