The Minister of Public Administration, Ms. Suzana Pribilović will open the conference “e-Democracy – Citizens, Public Policy-Makers” on Monday, 11 March 2019, within the Open Government Partnership Week “Global Call to Action – Government Serving Citizens”,, organized by the Ministry of Public Administration in cooperation with UNDP.

The Conference will be held at the Centre Ville Hotel in Podgorica, starting at 9:30 a.m.

The conference will also include the presentation of the e-Participation service and its improved presentation and functioning, and the panel “Citizens – Public Policy-Makers”, dedicated to sharing experience on the reform of standards and modernization of the mechanisms for citizen participation in the process of public policy-making.

Ms. Marija Hajduković, acting Director General of the Directorate for Good Public Administration and the Activities of NGOs in the Ministry of Public Administration, Mr. Igor Vidačak, PhD, Project Leader of the DEU project “Technical assistance to the development of institutional mechanisms for cooperation between state administration bodies and NGOs in Montenegro”, Mr. Marko Mrdak, Deputy Chief Negotiator, and Ms. Marina Vujačić, consultant, will be speaking at the panel “Citizens – Public Policy-Makers”.

The participants at the conference will include representatives of the public administration bodies, civil society organizations, international organizations and media.

Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a voluntary international initiative launched in 2011, promoting multilateral cooperation, supporting and assisting the development of openness, transparency and accountability of the administration through open cooperation of state administration representatives, primarily with civil society, and with other segments of the society in order to promote and increase transparency, fight corruption and actively involve and strengthen the participation of citizens and the civil sector in public policy-making. Montenegro joined the OGP on 13 February 2012, and signed the declaration on the open government as a participating country.